2014年CRI 高分一号卫星在南印度洋海域观测到疑似漂浮物(在线收听


Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei says China has informed Malaysia and Australia soon after a Chinese satellite spotted a large object possibly related to missing flight MH370.

Satellite imagery, captured by the high-definition earth observation satellite "Gaofen-1", shows a 22-meter-long, 13-meter-wide object in the southern Indian Ocean according to the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.

Hong Lei says China hopes that these data will be helpful for searching and rescuing efforts.

He says it still needs further analysis and verification on whether the suspicious floating object is related to the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, adding that China's sea and air search-and-rescue forces are heading for the southern Indian Ocean.

Hong Lei says China will continue to cooperate closely with parties concerned and share information with them, so as to make an all-out effort to search and rescue work.
