绿箭侠第一季 第336期:救回沃尔特(在线收听

   Mr. Steele. Walter. What? What's happening? 斯蒂尔先生。沃尔特。怎么了?发生什么事了?

  You're going home.  你要回家了
  I thought I'd never see you again.  我以为再也见不到你了
  I'm all right.  我没事
  Welcome home, Walter.  欢迎回家,沃尔特
  Thank you, son. Thea. 谢谢你,孩子。西娅。
  This is totally a family thing, isn't it?  还真是合家团聚啊
  I'm sorry, who are you?  抱歉,你是谁
  This is Felicity. She's my friend. 这是费利西蒂。她是我的朋友。
  Mine, too. It's good to see you. 也是我的。很高兴见到你。
  You, too. I'll let you guys get back to your hugging. 我也是。你们继续拥抱吧。
  Oliver. We're all together again. Everything's gonna be all right. 奥利弗。我们又团聚了。一切都会好起来的。