绿箭侠第一季 第346期:就黑色的箭展开调查(在线收听

   Arrows are black, not green. Copycat archer again. 箭支是黑色的,而非绿色。又是弓箭手的模仿者。

  Psychopaths are color-coding themselves now. That's helpful. 变态们在给自己打上色标。这有助于我们破案。
  Yeah, except we haven't seen the copycat in quite a while. 是啊,不过我们很久都没见过模仿者了。
  Ok, last time he took hostages to draw out the vigilante. 上次他挟持人质是为了逼出治安维护者
  This time, he massacres a bunch of lab nerds? 这次他屠杀了一群实验室的书呆子
  I want a press lockdown, nobody hears about the other archer 我要求把消息封锁,不许让任何人知道另一个弓箭手的事,
  and we need to get a list of all Unidac employees and find out what they're working on here. 我们得拿到一份所有尤尼达克雇员的名单,查出他们在这里研究些什么。
  Apparently it was a tight group. Anyone who knows anything about the project is dead. 显然这是个紧密的团队。任何知道项目的人都死了。
  And the copycat fried all their computers and burned their research. 模仿者烧掉了他们的电脑和研究。
  Whatever's going on here, someone doesn't want anyone to know about it. 不管这里在研究什么,有人不想让别人知道。
  Where did you even get that camera? 你这照相机从哪弄来的
  Come to think of it, where did you get this car? 说到这个话题,这辆车你从哪弄来的?
  I borrowed it. Illegally. 我借的。非法借用。
  You know, when I imagine being in a car with you, this isn't exactly what I had in mind. 当我想象和你在同一辆车里的时候,这可不是我想到的画面。
  Yeah, well, you're the one who said you'd help me find the vigilante. 是你说过你会帮我找到治安维护者。
  I know, but it's been two weeks, 我知道,但已经过了两周,
  and the closest we've come is snapping photos of the cop who hates the hood just as much as you worship him. 我们最大的进展就是拍下了警察,而他讨厌兜帽男的程度就像你崇拜他那样。
  I don't worship him. I just need to find him. 我并不崇拜他。我只是得找到他。
  You don't need to find him to be somebody. 你没必要通过找到他来证明自己。
  Besides, it's not like you're going to meet him any time soon. 而且,你又不可能很快和他见面。
  Just that the cops don't have a clue. 因为警察们毫无线索
  We don't know what they know. 我们不知道他们知道些什么
  Ok, I officially do not like that look. 我非常不喜欢这副表情
  You still work at CNRI, right? 你还在创新联合会工作,对吧?