2014年CRI 习近平出席中阿合作论坛部长会议并发表讲话(在线收听


The sixth ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum has concluded in Beijing with the announcement of a 10-year development plan.

This follows Chinese president Xi Jinping's speech to the forum where he called for a stronger relationship between China and the Arab countries.

He is urging further cooperation when it comes to developing the new Silk Road economic belt and the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road."

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

The next ministerial meeting will be held in Qatar in 2016.

The Chines government has issued a statement, voicing its determination to safeguard China's marine rights and sovereignty.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei says China hopes countries outside the region will choose dialogue and negotiations to resolve disputes instead of making aggressive moves that intensify tension.

The comment follows a communiqué released after the G7 summit.

It says the Group is concerned about disputes in the East and South China Seas.

The spokesman has also rejected accusations that the tension with Vietnam in the South China Sea has been caused by China.

He says up to now, the Vietnamese side has not made any compensation to Chinese people and companies who have been hurt in the violent anti-China protests in Vietnam last month.
