打工姐妹花第二季 第25期:向自动蛋糕机撒火(在线收听

   Well, there goes our big break. 我们生意的大突破就此告终

  Never would've happened if I had had my necklace. 如果我的幸运项链在的话,就不会发生这种事了
  The one with the lucky pearls 你说的是那条有着幸运珍珠
  that broke into the batter and that woman just spit into her hand mixed with saliva and blood? 结果线断珍珠撒,还掉进面粉糊里,害人家口破血流口水滴的项链吗?
  That lucky necklace? Yes. 是那条幸运项链吧?对啊。
  Might as well face it. You and I are on our own. 借此面对现实吧。我们俩只能自食其力。
  And not just because of Martha either. 这不只是因为玛莎的这件事
  Because there is no such thing as good luck. Never seen it. 而是因为这世上没有所谓的"好运"。见都没见过。
  And all lucky charms are stupid, except for the Lucky Charms, which are magically delicious. 所有的幸运物都愚蠢无比,唯一的例外是"幸运物早餐片",它奇迹般地好吃。
  Look at it over there. Gay R2-D2 just laughing at us. 看那台自助小蛋糕机。基佬R2-D2都在笑我们了。
  You were right, Max. You and I are on our own. 麦克斯,你之前说得对。我们俩只能自食其力了。
  We're just a little start-up cupcake company in a hard, hard world. 我们只是一家刚起步的小蛋糕店,在这乱世中求生存。
  And we gotta take matters into our own hands. Cover me. 我们得亲自动手,扫除面前障碍。掩护我。
  Wait, wait, no. No, don't do it now. The guard is right there. 等等,别啊。别现在干啊。警卫就在那里呢。
  Hey, you! Stop that! What kind of freaks deface a cupcake machine? Run run run. 喂,你!快住手!怎么会有变态想要乱喷小蛋糕机啊?快跑快跑。