2014年CRI 法军保护阿航空坠机现场 俄美敦促乌冲突地区应立即停火(在线收听


French forces have secured the site of the Air Algerie plane crash in Mali.

More than 200 French, Malian and Dutch troops from the United Nations force in Mali have secured the site ahead of the investigators' arrival.

French and Malian aviation investigating units are now arriving at the site.

The Air Algerie flight crashed in northern Mali early Thursday, killing all 118 passengers and crew, nearly half of whom are French.

The plane's black boxes have been recovered.

Initial indications are the plane mave have gone down in bad weather.

The top diplomats of Russia and the United States are calling for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine's conflict zone as well as negotiations between the conflicting parties.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had a phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry over the weekend.

They've been calling on both sides in the Ukraine crisis to facilitate and cooperate in the ongoing international investigation of the downing of Malaysian Airlines Fight MH17.

At the same time, the Dutch government is ruling out any military intervention in securing the crash site of the Malaysian passenger jet, as fighting between Ukrainian forces and rebels has intensified in the area.
