2014年CRI 习近平会见美国国家安全事务助理 2014中日关系舆论调查显示公众好感度不乐观(在线收听

习近平会见美国国家安全事务助理 2014中日关系舆论调查显示公众好感度不乐观

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for more strategic trust between China and the United States as he met with U.S. President Barack Obama's national security advisor in Beijing.

Xi Jinping's meeting with Susan Rice comes ahead of Obama's impending visit to Beijing in November.

The Chinese president also urged the two countries to take care of each other's core interests and major concerns and properly address dispute and reduce friction.

For her part, Susan Rice has told Xi Jinping it's the US hope to work more closely with China in the future.

Susan Rice's time here is meant to set the agenda for Obama's forthcoming visit to Beijing for November's APEC summit.

A new survey has shown that 93 percent of Japanese have a negative impression of China, hitting the worst level since 2005.

Meanwhile, nearly 87 percent Chinese view Japan unfavorably, improving a little from last year.

The poll was sponsored by China Daily and the Japanese non-profit think tank Genron NPO.

64 percent Chinese respondents chose Japan's purchase of China's Diaoyu Islands as the main reason for their unfavorable view of Japan.

Another major reason was Japan's wartime conduct and its perceived lack of remorse and failure to properly apologize for its occupation of China.

Despite the various issues facing the two Asian economies, the survey also found that 71 percent of Japanese and 65 percent of Chinese view bilateral ties as important.
