2014年CRI 习近平主席同斯里兰卡总统举行会谈 台风海鸥肆虐我国东南沿海(在线收听


Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping has won Sri Lanka's support for a proposed maritime "Silk Road" linking China with Europe.

Xi Jinping has also helped launch a billion-dollar power plant and port projects funded by the Chinese government.

President Xi Jinping and his Sri Lankan counterpart Mahinda Rajapaksa have overseen the signing of 27 cooperation deals following their talks in Colombo.

The deals cover areas including highways and the construction of a joint coastal and marine research center.

They also inked an action plan for deepening their strategic cooperative partnership and agreed to start negotiations on a free trade agreement.

Two people have been killed and flights have been canceled as typhoon Kalmaegi batters southern China.

The 15th typhoon to hit China this year, Kalmaegi made landfall in Hainan and later Guangdong province on Tuesday.

A top level alert is still in effect in the two provinces as heavy downpours are expected in the coming days.

In Guangdong, torrential rains brought down trees and caused floods in some urban areas.

Two people were killed by a falling tree in Nanning, capital of Guangxi, where more than 290 thousand people were affected by the storm.

As of Tuesday night, power supplies in more than 1.3 million residential compounds had been affected.

Aviation authorities say more than 200 flights have been canceled.
