2014年CRI 云南景谷地震已造成1人遇难38人受伤 香港特区政府与占中代表本周五对话(在线收听


At least one person is dead and close to 40 others injured following a strong earthquake in Yunnan.

The 6.6-magnitude hit in Jinggu County, which is about 500-kilometers southwest of the provincial capital, Kunming.

The quake hit at a shallow depth of just 5-kilometers, intensifying the shaking.

Power supplies have been cut off in certain towns.

However, traffic into the quake zone remains open.

Chinese civil affairs authorities are sending in relief supplies.

The quake zone has already experienced a number of aftershocks, including one over magnitude-4.

The government of Hong Kong has announced plans to hold its first formal meeting with representatives of the Occupy Central group on Friday.

The announcement follows preliminary meetings between the Hong Kong government and Occupy representatives on Tuesday.

Friday's meeting come as the scale of the demonstrations dwindle significantly.

The protests, once numbering in the tens-of-thousands, have become reduced to just a few hundred.

Police in Hong Kong have been calling for an end to the demonstrations.
