2014年CRI 我国今迎首个国家宪法日 美国称伊朗空袭伊斯兰国伊方否认(在线收听


Chinese President Xi Jinping is calling for greater awareness of the Constitution and a better understanding of the rule of law in this country.

Xi Jingping has made the comments ahead of this China's first Constitution Day, which is today.

The President says Constitution Day should be used to promote the awareness of the country's fundamental laws.

The promotion of the 'rule of law' in China has been pointed to as one of the pillars of Xi Jinping's administration.

The Iranian government is rejecting US reports that Iranian forces launched airstrikes against Islamic State targets in eastern Iraq this week.

Word of this has also created speculation Iran may be cooperating, in one form or another, with the US-backed coalition which has been battling the Islamic State in both Iraq and Syria.

US Secretary of State John Kerry helped fuel this suggestion of Iran's support for the coalition by saying he was not going to confirm or make any announcements on the issue.

At the same time, he did say any action taken by Iran against the Islamic State would be "positive".
