打工姐妹花第二季 第33期:计划免费看电影(在线收听

   You know, chestnut, the only thing that got me through that robbery was you. 栗宝,你知道吗,你是我撑过那场劫案的唯一精神支柱。

  I kept thinking, "who will take care of you?" 我一直在想"我挂了,谁来照顾你"
  Because you can't count on blondie selfish-pants 毕竟你完全不能依靠金发自私妞
  who used me as a human shield and then peed herself. 她不仅把我当人肉盾牌,还尿了裤子
  Do not tell chestnut I peed myself. 别告诉栗宝我失禁的事
  He's the only one from my circle who still talks to me. 他是我旧圈子里,唯一还跟我说话的了
  As I was saying, chestnut, I would have taken a bullet for her, 正如我刚说的,栗宝,我会愿意为了她挡子弹,
  but she put herself first. And that's okay. It's fine. 但她却只想着自己。没关系,我不介意。
  Max, I'm surprised you're even affected by this. 麦克斯,我真没想到你会在意这事
  I mean, weren't you shot as a baby? I feel like you told me that. 你不是婴儿时期就中过弹了吗?我觉得你好像告诉过我的呀?
  No, I told you I drank shots as a baby. 我是说我婴儿期就喝烈酒了。
  My mother hated to drink alone. 我妈不喜欢独自喝酒
  Okay, what free movie should we see? Maybe something with a Fanning in it? 好了,我们该看哪部免费电影呢?要不看有范宁姐妹的吧?
  I'll see anything unless it's in 3D. 我无所谓,3D除外。
  I mean, if something's gonna be flying at my face, I'd better get a free prime rib out of it. 如果有"东西"要在我面前飞来飞去,起码得先请我吃顿牛排。
  So what do we do, Max? What do we do? 我们应该怎么做呢,麦克斯,怎么做呀?
  Hide in the back alley till the coast is clear, and when the door opens, make a break for it? 躲进后巷,等待最佳时机,门一打开,就冲进去吗?
  No, 'cause it's not the 1940s. 不必,现在又不是20世纪40年代
  We just go right up in the usher's face, make an excuse, and then boldly walk with purpose. 我们就直接走到带位员的面前,编个借口,踏着自信又有所图谋的步伐进去。
  Okay, well, just show me how. You can direct me. I've done a lot of plays. 好吧,那你演给我看。你可以指导我,我演过不少话剧呢。
  I could do my "Eliza Doolittle before she was civilized" walk. Hello, governor. 我可以用"变身为大家闺秀前的卖花女"姿态走路。你好,大人。
  Wow, that was just ugly. I wish I hadn't seen it. All right, just watch me. 哇,丑爆了,我真想自戳双目。好了,看我的。
  Walk, walk, walk, hair flip, walk, walk. 走,走,走,甩下头发,继续走
  Walk, walk, walk, hair flip, walk, walk. 走,走,走,甩下头发,继续走。
  Good, but easy on the hair flip, Willow Smith. 很好,但是甩头发的时候轻点,维罗·史密斯。