打工姐妹花第二季 第35期:混入电影院(在线收听

   There's the guy. I'm getting a little nervous. 那个人在那,我开始紧张了

  I'm starting to sweat like those people on Locked up abroad. 我在狂出汗了,就像《异乡劫历》里的人一样。
  I don't know why. I haven't swallowed a heroin balloon. 也不知道为什么,我没走私海洛因啊
  Okay, let's go. Pretend we're out of breath. 好了,走吧。假装我们上气不接下气。
  Out of breath, not out of your mind. 是喘不过气,不是脑子坏
  Hey, sorry. Can we just run back into the theater for a second? 抱歉。我们能回到影厅一下吗?
  I left my iphone in there, and the prescription for her anti-seizure medication's on it. 我的手机落里面了,里面存着她的抗癫痫药处方呢。
  Yeah, which theater were you in? 你们刚才哪个厅
  Theatre five. Went to the 11:15. Got out at 1:20. 5号厅,看的是11点15的电影。1点20出来的。
  A little long. Could've cut ten from it. 片子有点长,有十分钟的场景完全可以删掉
  Wow, your walk with purpose is getting almost as impressive as Han's "bang, bang, You're in my house now, bitch!" 你踏着自信又有所图谋的姿态,跟阿憨的"敢在太岁头上动土"一样让我令我刮目相看。
  I know. What about Han? Before yesterday, we thought he was 53 and unarmed. 就是,阿憨怎么样?事发前,我们还觉得他是个没枪53岁老头。
  Guess we learn something new about people every day. 看来我们每天都能多了解别人一点
  Yeah, like having to learn that when you get nervous, I'm disposable. 对啊,我就了解到了当你一紧张,就可以推我去死。
  That was very uncharacteristic of me. 那完全不是平时的我嘛
  Hi, um, Hallelujah. Cool name, by the way. 你好,哈利路亚。名字不错。
  How are you doing today, Hallelujah? 今天过得好吗,哈利路亚
  Bitter. They wouldn't let me put an exclamation point on my name tag. 有苦说不出。他们不让我在胸牌上加感叹号。
  Um, is there any way you could make a fresh batch of popcorn? 你能不能给我们现做份爆米花
  I could, but it takes ten minutes, and your show starts in two. 能是能,但做新的要等10分钟,而你们的电影还有2分钟就开场了。
  Actually, it takes 3 1/2, and I can miss a few trailers. 其实还有3分半,而且预告片不看也无所谓。
  I used to work at a Cineplex Five. 我以前也在电影院打工过
  Oh, so now you just know everything about life? 所以你已经看透人间百态了是吗
  Come on, the opening scene sets up where he gets his superpowers from. 快点啦,一开场就会告诉观众男主角的超能力是怎么来的呢。
  Hey, Hallelujah here is doing the best he can. 喂,哈利路亚已经尽力了
  I mean, based on his name, his parents clearly had bigger dreams for him, 我是说,从他名字看来,他的父母显然对他有更高的期望,
  and it is not his fault you guys showed up two minutes before the show starts. 你们自己拖到开场前2分钟才来,又不是他的错。
  Maybe next time, you'll show up ten minutes early without the attitude and the fidgety exhaling. 或许下次你们可以早来个10分钟,然后态度好点,唧唧歪歪少点。
  You think Hallelujah doesn't hear that? He does. 你们以为哈利路亚听不见你们唧歪吗?相当清楚哟。
  Sorry to be such a problem. We'll just take whatever you've got ready. 抱歉给你造成麻烦。我们随便来点现成的就好了。
  No, girl. I got you. I'm gonna make you a fresh batch. 不,姑娘,我挺你。我要给你做一桶现做的爆米花。
  Hallelujah, could I have some fresh too? 哈利路亚,能给我也来点现做的吗?
  You'll get the burnt ones and like it, nerd. 烤焦的给你,吃不吃随便,死宅男。