打工姐妹花第二季 第40期:谈论自私(在线收听

   Well, well, well, look who it is. Hair flip and go. 哎哟喂,瞧瞧那是谁。甩头走人姐。

  I don't know what you're doing, but it feels weird. 我不知道你在干嘛,但感觉好奇怪。
  Now, look who's walk, walk, walking with purpose away from me again. 瞧是谁在走走走,有所图谋地走,再次抛下我走掉。
  What? It wasn't a big deal. 干嘛啊,那又不是什么大事
  Really? 'cause I went to movie jail with Han. 是吗,我可是跟阿憨蹲了影院的牢子。
  Cool. We have a mug shot. 不错嘛。人家还拍照存档了。
  We're a notorious gangster couple now down at the Cineplex. 我们现在成了影城臭名昭著的黑帮情侣
  That's right, Han-nie and Clyde. But you know what, I'm fine. 没错,雌雄大盗憨妮和克莱德。不过我没事。
  I'm thrilled, actually, because you walking away gave me one thing. 老实说,我兴奋不已,你抛弃下我的事情,给了我一样东西。
  An unobstructed view of my sweet, sweet ass? 给了你一览无遗看我翘臀的机会吗
  No, the satisfaction of knowing that you are just as selfish as me. 不是,给了我一种满足感,你让我知道原来你跟我一样自私。
  What a selfish thing to say. 你说这话真是太自私了
  You can walk, walk, walk away from me, Max, 麦克斯,你可以走走走,抛下我走掉
  but you can't walk away from knowing that you split the scene. 但你逃不出当时恶意卖友保命的事实
  What? I thought you were behind me, and besides, we couldn't both get caught. 什么,我当时是以为你紧跟着呢,而且我们不能同时被抓啊。
  Who would live to tell the tale of the great Caroline Channing, the girl who couldn't walk fast enough? 不然伟大的卡洛琳·钱宁的那《走不快女孩》故事谁来传唱啊。
  Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Don't turn this around. 不,不,不是这样的。你少颠倒是非黑白。
  Now, I see it, the whole "Max" of it all. 我算看清了你"麦克斯"的为人
  When we got caught, you only thought about saving yourself, and you weren't defending poor Hallelujah. 当我们俩被逮到时,你只想到要保住自己小命,你当时也不是替哈利路亚说话。
  You just wanted fresh popcorn for yourself. 你只是想吃刚出炉的爆米花。
  What can I say? I guess you're on to me. 我能说啥,你真是了解我呀
  You said you'd take a bullet for me. You'd never take a bullet for me. 你说过你会为我挡子弹呢。你才不可能为我挡子弹呢。
  Probably not. No one ever takes a bullet. 应该不会吧,谁会没事中弹啊
  It's just something people say that they don't mean, 很多话都是拿来"光说不练"的
  like, "How was your day?" or, "We'll stop if it hurts." 比如"你今天好吗",或者"你疼我们就停下"。
  Wow, so this is who we are, huh? 原来我们是这种人啊
  Two selfish girls who always put ourselves before everyone else and are willing to do anything to survive? 两个自私自利的女人,只在乎自己,为存活可以毫无底线,也不会管他人死活?
  Guess we are. Man, we're gonna crush the cupcake competition. 应该是吧。我们肯定可以在小蛋糕比赛大杀四方。
  But, Max, even though we're ruthless, every now and then, on our own behalf, 麦克斯,虽然我们俩无情无义,但我要为咱俩说一句公道话
  we do put ourselves second, and I guess that's what makes us best friends. 我们偶尔也有为对方着想,所以这就是我们成为好朋友的原因吧。
  I don't think I've ever done that. 我觉得我没为你着想过
  Yes, you have. You let me stay on your couch when I had no place to stay. 你有。在我无家可归的时候,是你让我睡在你沙发上。
  I guess I did. And I gave you... Go ahead. 你说有就有吧。而我呢...说啊。
  Well, there must be something where I didn't put myself first. 我肯定有为你着想过的时候。
  Let me know when you find it. 你想到了告诉我。