2015年CRI 奥巴马证实遭IS绑架美国女人质已死亡 中宣部原部长邓力群病逝(在线收听


The White House has confirmed the death of 26-year-old American aid worker Kayla Jean Mueller at the hands of the Islamic State.

The woman had been held captive since August 2013.

The Islamic State has attributed her death to the airstrikes carried out by the Jordanian air force, which have been increasing in retaliation for the murder of one of its pilots.

However, the White House says there is no evidence to back up that contention.

News of Mueller's death comes as US President Barack Obama prepares to send a formal request to Congress for the authorization to use military force against the Islamic State.

Former senior Chinese leader Deng Liqun has passed away.

He died Tuesday here in Beijing.

He was 100 year of age.

The Communist Party of China has issued a statement, praising him as an excellent Party member, as well as a time-tested and loyal communist soldier.

Deng Liqun served as the Party's publicity chief from 1982 to 1985.
