2015年CRI 我国将取消暂住证制度 公安部:逐步实现所有刑案讯问全程录音录像(在线收听


The Chinese government has announced its going to be eliminating its temporary residence permit.

The move is part of a broader plan to reorganize the household registration system.

Temporary residency permits have been a requirement for migrant workers to be able to work in a new city.

It has already been abolished in many parts of China.

However, big cities, including Beijing, still use the system to control the number of people who migrate to the city.

Chinese police are now being required to film and record all interrogations.

The Ministry of Public Security says it made the order to ensure suspects rights are protected.

The proposal, approved by the central government, also says it expects police officers to be more accountable for the cases they handle.

In making the changes, the Ministry says the credibility of the police has been damaged by a number of problems, including officers accepting bribes and bending the law to serve themselves.

The proposal to film and record interrogations is aimed at stamping out the extortion and torture.
