2015年CRI 突尼斯首都袭击事件已致22人死亡 我国回应美军方报告(在线收听


At least 22 people, including 20 foreign tourists, are dead, following an attack at a museum in the Tunisian capital, Tunis.

Gunmen stormed the building, opening fire before eventually taking a group of tourists hostages after security forces stormed the building.

The attack also prompted the evacuation of the Tunisian parliament building, which lies adjacent to the museum.

So far no group has claimed responsibility.

Tunisia was the catalyst for the so-called "Arab Spring," which saw uprisings against autocratic leaders spring up across many parts of the Arab world.

The Chinese government has issued a new statement, demanding the United States stop commenting on its maritime disputes with neighbors.

The Chinese side says it's been working on solving its disputes with its neighbors through dialogue, and based on international law.

The comments follow the release of a new US military report.

In it, the US government is pointing the finger at China for pressing ahead with territorial claims by force or coercing means that lead to tension and instability.
