2015年CRI 中国撤侨完成驻也门使馆暂关闭 河南长垣县游乐设施断裂致19人被甩出(在线收听


The Chinese government has temporarily closed its embassy in Yemen, evacuating all the staff there due to the worsening security conditions in Yemen.

A Chinese navy vessel is taking a batch of 38 Chinese nationals in Yemen, along with 45 Sri Lanka nationals, to Djibouti.

Another Chinese naval vessel will evacuate 9 other Chinese citizens and one Japanese citizen from another location in Yemen.

Eight other Chinese citizens who had originally stayed behind in Yemen have also left on-board a Pakistani vessel.

Over 600 Chinese citizens have now been moved out of Yemen amid the fighting there between the Shiite Houthi rebels and forces loyal to exiled President Abd Raboo Mansour Hadi.

Those forces include an international Sunni-backed coalition led by Saudi Arabia.

Nineteen people have been injured, one critically, after being flung off an amusement park ride in Henan.

A crack developed in the spinning ride, sending people flying off.

The ride itself is located on a commercial street in Changhuan County.

The ride's owner has been detained by police.
