2015年CRI 尼泊尔强震已致超4000人遇难 西藏死亡人数上升为25人(在线收听


The Nepalese government says the death toll from Saturday's earthquake is now close to 4-thousand.

The 72-hour so-called "golden window" to rescue possible survivors is now fading.

Damaged roads, broken communication lines and landslides, as well as a lack of earth-moving equipment in rural areas is making relief efforts much more difficult.

More than 1.4-million people in Nepal have been displaced by the massive quake and its subsequent aftershocks.

The Chinese government is set to dispatch another search and rescue team into Nepal later on today.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson says the crews will join the 55 other PLA members who arrived in Kathmandu yesterday.

The death toll in southwest China's Tibet from Saturday's earthquake in neighboring Nepal has risen to 25.

Close to 120 others have been injured.

The counties of Gyirong, Nyalam and Tingri were most affected, which have seen nearly 80 percent of the houses collapse.

Local officials are warning the number of casualties is likely to increase.

In the cut-off border town of Zham, food stocks will likely only last three days.

Aftershocks and bad weather have been hindering relief efforts.
