2015年CRI 强降雨袭击中国中部和南部(在线收听


Heavy rains have been battering the central and southern regions of China over the past few weeks.

The downpours in central China's Hubei Province have killed five people, and left four missing,

Roads, houses, power and water conservation facilities have been damaged.

In Chongqing Municipality, five people have been killed and more than 220 thousand others affected by the torrential rain since Monday.

Yang Kun with the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters warns of the risk of heavy flooding along the Yangtze River in the coming weeks.

"The main streams in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, including Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake, have witnessed higher water levels this year. According to weather reports, the water level in Poyang Lake will continue to rise, and is already approaching the alert level of 19 meters. The Xin River and the Lechang River, the main sources of water for Poyang Lake, are already above alert levels."


Local flood control headquarters are also calling on cities and counties near the Yangtze River to prepare for potential floods.
