2015年CRI 长江中下游可能迎来更大洪水(在线收听


Chinese flood control authorities are warning of the potential for heavy flooding along the Yangtze River in the coming weeks.

The National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters has issued the warning amid heavy rains which have been pounding the central and southern regions of China over the past few weeks.

Yang Kun with the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Office says many rivers and lakes are rising above warning levels.

"The main streams in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, including Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake, have witnessed a higher water levels this year. According to weather reports, the water level in Poyang Lake will continue to rise, and is already approaching the alert level of 19 meters. The Xin River and the Lechang River, the main sources of water for Poyang Lake, are already above alert levels."

So far flooding across China this year has left over 100 people dead or missing.

It's also knocked down around 35-thousand buildings across 27 different cities.

Economic losses are already estimated at close to 30-billion yuan.
