2015年CRI 刘延东启动第二届中美青年创客大赛(在线收听


Chinese vice Premier Liu Yandong, the Chinese government's point-person on people-to-people exchanges between China and the US, has made a stop in Pittsburgh to help launch this year's China-US Young Maker Competition.

The competition, the 2nd of its kind, tasks young people to come up with concepts to promote community development, education and environmental protection which can benefit both the United States and China.

"Today, innovation is an unstoppable trend. It is the driving force for the world's development. Regardless if you're from China or the US, originality and entrepreneurship are key for young people. Both China and US agree that there is great potential for cooperation when it comes to originality and development."

Johnathan Kenneson is one of those taking part in this year's Young Maker's Competition.

The University of Pittsburgh sophomore says he's fascinated by the prospect of working with people from China.

"I think we need further the connection between the two countries. Being able to see from a different point of view than your own, especially from half way across the world, it's quite an amazing thing."

The Young Maker Competition has been established as a way to help narrow the cultural gap between China and the United States.

However, it has also developed into a forum where those already versed in one-another’s cultures can come together to share ideas.

Frank Dolce is an MBA student at the University of Pittsburgh.

Already fluent in Mandarin, Dolce is among a growing number of people in the United States who are advocating for more social connections between the two sides.

"We need more exchange programs. So the more Chinese people that come to America, and the more Americans that go to China the better. I mean that's the bottom line and there is not enough."

The launch of this year's China-US Maker Competition is a prelude to the forthcoming China-US Consultations on People-to-People Exchanges.

Chinese vice Premier Liu Yandong will co-host the sessions in Washington, which are part of the annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the two sides.

Ahead of her time in Washington on Tuesday and Wednesday, Liu Yandong is also making a stop-over in Houston, Texas.

For CRI, I'm He Fei in Pittsburgh.
