2015年CRI 联合国报告称加以冲突中巴以双方或均可能犯下战争罪(在线收听


The commission of inquiry on the 2014 Gaza conflict says it found "substantial information" and "credible allegations" from both sides of the conflict that war crimes had been committed.

More than 2,100 Palestinians and over 70 Israelis were killed in the 51-day conflict.

The report has decried the "unprecedented" devastation and human suffering in Gaza.

It has condemned Israel's failure to revise its practice of air-strikes after the dire effects of the bombings on civilians became apparent, and decried Gazan militants' "indiscriminate" firing of thousands of rockets and mortars at Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the report as biased.

"The report in hand was commissioned by a notoriously biased institution. It was given an obviously biased mandate. The United Nations Human Rights Council has a singular obsession with Israel. So, Israel treats this report as flawed and biased, and it urges all fair-minded observers to do the same."

Netanyahu says the Israeli military acted, and continues to act, according to the highest international standards in defending itself.

"Israel is a democracy committed to the rule of law. Time and again it is forced to defend itself against Palestinian terrorists who commit a double war crime: They deliberately target civilians while deliberately hiding behind Palestinian civilians."

On the Palestinian side, a senior Hamas official insists that Hamas rockets and mortars were aimed at Israeli military sites, not at civilians.

Palestinian official Ashraf Khatib says Israel always neglects and discredits reports from the UN and the international community.

"Israel always feels that they are a country above the law. It's the international community and the United Nations' responsibility to respond to these allegations from Israel, and such actions by Israel should be stopped, or the international community will continue to grant Israel further impunity which allows and encourages them to commit crimes against people in Palestine."

Some believe the Palestinian Authority will make use of the UN report when it submits war crimes complaints against Israel to the International Criminal Court, but Khatib says decisions on that will be made after a thorough study of the report.

"We are always being calling the international community, for the international law to intervene in Israel's violations against Palestinians. We welcome the report that came out from the United Nations. We have to look at the details of the report, and then we will have to weigh our options."

For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
