2015年CRI 中国发布年度报告批美国人权记录(在线收听


China's report states the US side continues to make analysis of the human rights situations in numerous countries around the world, while showing no regret or intention to improve its own human rights record.

Chang Jian, Deputy Director of Nankai University's Human Rights Research Center, says that in releasing the report, the US government is using human rights as a tool to try to advance its own international political agenda.

"The report is always giving credit to courtiers that have consistent values with the United States, but then attacks others which do not have the same values. Generally, the report is negative when it comes to China's human rights. Although China has made improvements in its human rights record in recent years, the report just ignores them. The biggest problem here is that US is using human rights issues as a tool for its political ambitions. This is not a good thing for global human rights development."

Liu Huawen with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says what the US is doing is "behind the times" and "unwelcome", and should be abandoned.

"On the one hand, the US cannot face up to its long-standing problem with gun violence, police brutality and racial discrimination. Internationally, it delays the approval of the United Nations "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights", as well as the "Convention on the Rights of the Child." The US always has a complicated attitude when it comes to the UN human rights mechanisms. On the other hand, each year it releases a report on the human rights situations of other countries, and views itself as a judge or vigilante, ignores thee achievements made in those countries and judges and criticize others, causing a lot of resentment."

The Chinese report points out US authorities executed a Mexican citizen in April of last year without granting him access to consular assistance.

The Chinese side notes this should be viewed as a violation of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.

China's report also notes the US has been caught spying on several countries around the world.

It lists the interception of phone conversations of 35 world leaders, the stealing of encrypted information of government organs in other countries and the collection program of mobile phone messages across the globe.

For CRI, I'm Luo Bin.
