2015年CRI 台湾游乐园粉尘爆炸伤者升至524人(在线收听


A massive explosion and subsequent fire during a concert at a water park in Taiwan has left 524 people injured.

"Everybody was screaming and bleeding. There was blood everywhere in the nearby river because many people were playing in it at the time, and they couldn't get out of there immediately. Everyone was screaming, and many people caught on fire."

Local authorities in New Taipei City say the inferno is the result of flammable powder being blown into the crowd during a concert last night at a recreational Water Park in New Taipei City, which is a suburb of Taipei.

New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu says the number of people injured, originally thought to be around 200, has been on the rise as more victims arrive in hospitals on their own.


"No matter where they are, New Taipei, Taipei or Taoyuan, hospitals in every city will spare no effort to treat the victims."

All events involving the use of flammable powder have been banned.

Eric Chu is also promising a full investigation.

"For those who are found responsible for this incident, we promise no lenience. We are going to carry out a stringent investigation, and level harsh punishment on those found responsible."

Most of the injured are suffering from smoke inhalation.

However, there are said to be a number of people suffering severe burns, as the fire is said to have raced very quickly through the crowd of around a thousand people.

So far, no deaths are being reported, though 8 are said to be in critical condition.

It's being reported 4 of the injured are from the mainland.
