2015年CRI 中国督促美方停止干涉亚太地区问题(在线收听


China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying says if the reports are true, Japanese leaders owe an explanation.

"Due to historical reasons, any military security policies or tendencies of the Japanese side will draw wide attention from its Asian neighbors and the international community. Any words or deeds of Japan that aim at creating tension and instigating confrontation go against the current world trend of peace and development and won't win support."

China has announced another round of talks with ASEAN countries in the Malaysian capital starting from tomorrow.

The talks will be focusing on the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and the consultation of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.

They will also discuss the establishment of a hotline for search and rescue at sea.

In noting such effort, the Foreign Ministry also urges the United States, as a country outside the region, to stop meddling in regional issues.

The remarks came after U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed China's land reclamation activities in the area are "a threat to peace and stability" and change the status quo."

During a recent forum in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi expanded on China's sovereignty in the South China Sea using historical facts.

"During the Second World War, the Nansha Islands were occupied by Japanese forces. After the end of the war, in accordance with the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, the Chinese government openly reclaimed its sovereignty over the Nansha Islands. China and the United States were allies at the time and Chinese troops were actually on US military vessels on their voyage to Nansha to reclaim China's sovereignty. Our American friends should be well aware of that."

Also on Monday, China expressed strong dissatisfaction over a documentary issued by the Philippine government on issues in the South China Sea.

The Philippine foreign ministry, presidential press office and press bureau jointly made a three-episode documentary in which it accused China of infringing on Philippine territories and pillaging resources that belong to the Philippines.

Chinese officials say the move is an attempt to ignore facts and instigate contradictions between the Chinese and Filipino people.

For CRI, this is Huang Shan.
