2015年CRI 李克强会见法国领导人(在线收听


Climate change is high on the agenda of Premier Li Keqiang's time in France as the country will host the Paris Climate Change Conference at the end of this year.

The premier says China has formulated a document about its voluntary actions on cutting emissions and submitted it to the UN Climate Change Secretariat.

"We must cut carbon emissions by sixty to sixty five percent compared to 2005 and we must increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to twenty percent and increase forest reserves by 4.5 billion cubic meters compared to 2005."

In the document, China, which is the world's largest greenhouse gas emitter, pledges to bring its CO2 emissions to a peak around 2030 or even earlier.

President Hollande has welcomed the announcement as a sign of China's support and confidence in the Paris climate conference, hoping the positive contribution will boost the negotiations.

During talks with President Hollande, Li Keqiang urged the two sides to consolidate cooperation in traditional fields like nuclear energy and aviation while moving to more emerging areas such as finance, digitalization and sustainable development.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has hailed an array of cooperation deals signed during the day, including one on civil aviation.

"That's also the case for aeronautics. We are developing a large scale industrial partnership. The agreement we signed a few minutes ago is on the firm sale of 45 A330 Airbus with an optional deal for another 30 aircrafts and another agreement will be signed in Toulouse on Thursday on the creation of an aircraft completion center in Tianjin."

Following the talks between the two premiers, China and France issued two joint statements connected to cooperation with third parties and on nuclear power.

The two sides have agreed to set up a fund to support their joint cooperation with third parties, as part of bilateral efforts to explore new cooperation areas and help foster a sustainable global economic recovery.

Li Keqiang's time in France will also see him travel to the cities of Marseilles and Toulouse and deliver a speech at the headquarters of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

For CRI, I'm Qi Zhi.
