2015年CRI 新国家安全法强调网络安全(在线收听


Security has been a hot-topic issue in China since the establishment of a National Security Commission in 2013.

President Xi Jinping heads the Commission.

He's been pushing for overarching legislation that can help the country deal with national security threats and risks.

Zheng Shuna, vice chair of the Legislative Affairs Commission on the National People's Congress Standing Committee, says the new law is crucial in the face of ever-growing security challenges.

"Today China's national security is crucial, particularly because of the dual pressures we're under. Externally speaking, China must defend its sovereignty, security and development interests. Internally speaking, it must also maintain political security and social stability. "

One key element of the new law is the tightening of cyberspace security.

Under the new legislation, the government is promising tighter controls over Internet and information technologies, infrastructure as well as information systems and data in key sectors.

Zheng Shuna says foreign companies need not be concerned about the changes in the laws.

"China is always willing to cooperate with other countries in safeguarding cyber security, build a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative internet, and establish a multilateral, democratic and transparent international Internet management system."

The new law also creates a new crisis management system.

Zhang Dejiang, chair of the NPC Standing Committee, explains the significance of the new law.

"The National Security Law is a basic and comprehensive criteria covering areas of national security. It will play a leading role in constructing a national security system. The implementation and enactment of the new law will pave a legal way for national security with Chinese characteristics. "

China's first National Security Law took effect in 1993.

That legislation mainly regulated the work of China's national security agencies.

That law was renamed the Counterespionage Law in November.

For CRI, this is Xie Cheng.
