2015年CRI 台风莲花在中国南方登陆(在线收听


Thousands of people evacuated from coastal areas and more than ten thousands ships returned to ports before Typhoon Linfa hit Guangdong.

No injuries or deaths have been reported.

Railways, airports and schools in part of the province have closed.

In one of the worst-hit cities, Jieyang, the typhoon has triggered flooding, caused trees to topple, and has damaged power utilities.

The city's Chaoshan International Airport has canceled 53 flights, and 5 thousand passengers are temporarily stranded.

Local authorities say the high-speed trains linking Xiamen and Shenzhen, traveling through the Chaoshan, have been detained and 14 more incoming commuter trains will be suspended over the next two days.

Meteorological stations indicate the typhoon has reduced in power to a strong tropical storm and is expected to move westward.

Meanwhile, typhoon Chan-Hom is quickly approaching.

Xu Yinglong, chief weather forecaster of the national meteorological station, says Chan-Hom is likely to exert a larger influence on Eastern China.

"Typhoon Chan-Hom is expected to stay in East China for 2-3 days and its impact could be relatively long-lived. The coastal region of China such as the north part of Fujian province and the Shandong Peninsula will suffer most from Chan-Hom. And the precipitation in Hangzhou Bay of Zhejiang province may exceed 500 mm."

Some cities in Zhejiang Province have activated emergency response plans ahead of the landing of Typhoon Chan-Hom.

The manager of Laohutan Reservoir operational department, Yu Cong, says four out of five reservoirs in Hangzhou city have begun discharging water.

"The Laohutan Reservoir discharged at 12:00, with a flux of 30 cubic meters per second. It mainly will be affected by the typhoon, so we need to carry out pre-discharge of water. We haven't discharged the water since 2012. This is the first time."

China's meteorological station says typhoon Chan-Hom is expected to hit Zhejiang and Fujian provinces on Friday night or Saturday morning as a strong or super typhoon.

For CRI, this is Huang Shan
