2015年CRI 中国高考成绩获得更多海外大学认可(在线收听


Universities in more than 20 countries and regions have accepted Chinese students' applications along with their national college entrance exam results.

As the Chinese universities are busy with their annual admission process now, many overseas universities are also trying to attract Chinese students.

They have extended their application deadline on the Chinese mainland to allow students to apply with their Gaokao records.

Stanley Nel with the University of San Francisco says that Chinese students can apply with their Gaokao records, without taking the TOEFL or SAT exams.

"For the students who are applying through the Gaokao method, we look only at the Gaokao, and we test their English through an interview. They don't have to give us their high school records, or anything like that. They don't need to write letters or essays."

Six U.S. universities and at least 26 Australian universities now accept Chinese students' applications with their Gaokao scores.

Chinese high school graduates are also welcomed by top universities in South Korea and Singapore with high Gaokao scores.

Gaokao scores must be provided by Chinese applicants for some European universities.
