2015年CRI 联合国赞赏中国实施千年发展目标(在线收听


The UN-initiated Millennium Development Goals will meet their deadline at the end of this year. 

On Friday, the Chinese government and the UN in China jointly launched a report on China's Implementation of the MDGs between 2000 and 2015.

CRI's Sophie Williams has the story.

This is China's final progress report on the MDGs before the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda later this year.

According to the report, China has seen unprecedented transformational results in accomplishing the vision that was set out by world leaders in New York 15 years ago.

UN Resident Coordinator in China, Alain Noudehou, speaks highly of China's achievements.

"In terms of the poverty reduction for example, more than 400 million people have lived outside the poverty lines between the year of 1990 to the year of 2011. And tremendous progress has also been made in the areas of maternal mortality as well as infant mortality. We have also made tremendous achievement in terms of food security in the country."

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Special Adviser, Amina Mohammed, says China has set an example for all countries that face population problems.

"We are incredibly impressed in the way which China has approached this. I think it has shown a lot of leadership for many countries who do have issues of population, issues on capacity and institutions."

The report also applauds China's efforts in halving the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water, actively engaging in South-south cooperation and providing help to over 120 developing countries in their efforts to attain the MDGs.

The MDGs include eight specific goals that range from halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education.

It was signed in the year of 2000 by all 189 UN member states at the time and 23 international organizations.

At Friday's ceremony, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a video message that China has made unremitting efforts to implement the goals.

He added that China will continue a path of peaceful, innovative and green development in the post-2015 development period.

Chinese vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong reiterated China's commitment to the new global development agenda towards 2030.

"The post-2015 Development Agenda should adhere to the principle of 'common but different responsibility' and diversified development patterns. China will reinforce South-South cooperation within the premise of south-north cooperation."

World leaders will gather at the United Nations in September to adopt the post-2015 development agenda.

It will guide policy and funding for the next 15 years, beginning with a historic pledge to end poverty.

It also aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies, create better jobs and tackle the environmental challenges of our time - particularly climate change.

For CRI, I'm Sophie Williams.
