2015年CRI 土耳其总统埃尔多安表示希望提升与中国关系(在线收听


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says his country seeks to boost ties with China at all levels as part of the "strategic cooperation" agreed upon by the two countries in 2010.

Erdogan made the comment ahead of his two-day visit in China, which begins today.

He says he expects several cooperation deals to be inked during his first visit to China as the Turkish President.

"I believe this visit will enhance and increase the content of our strategic partnership."

China has previously revealed that the two countries may further boost cooperation in transportation, energy and telecommunications.

Erdogan is due to meet with top Chinese leaders including President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang.

A key issue during Erdogan's time in Beijing will be the long-standing talks between the two countries to buy the Chinese long-range surface-to-air missile system.

He says Turkey is open to an improved offer from China.

"We are going to revisit those issues during this visit. Any offer that will enrich this acceptable offer will be welcomed by us too. Because the real important subject is the mutual benefit of the countries."

In 2013, Ankara accepted a bid from China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corporation for its first anti-missile system.

But the 3.4 billion- US-dollar deal is yet to be signed amid U.S. and Western concerns about security and the compatibility of the weaponry with NATO systems.

Ankara has also been conducting talks with U.S. defense contractor Raytheon, the producer of the Patriot missile system, and the French-Italian company Eurosam.
