儿童英语读物 The Ghost at the Drive-In Movie CHAPTER 10 The Diamond Is Forever(在线收听

The giant banner on the movie screen could be seen from all around. Cars on the road slowed down to get a better look. A small crowd gathered in front of Duke’s Dogs to stare at it. They all wondered about the sign—would the Diamond Drive-in Theater really close down?

“Wait! Stop!” someone called across the road. It was Dan Brinker. He had seen the banner unfurl, too. Now he was hurrying across the road to reach Uncle Flick and the Aldens. “No, no, it’s too early!” he shouted as he reached them. He panted as he tried to catch his breath. “No … nobody was supposed to see that yet!”

“Is that so, Dan?” Uncle Flick said. He glared at Dan. “Just what were you trying to do?”

Dan’s forehead was sweaty. He stammered, “I … I had that banner ready so I could display it as soon as the papers were signed! I wanted this theater closed the first chance I got!”

“You were trying to trick me, Dan!” Uncle Flick growled. “You knew I’d never sell this place to you if it meant closing down the theater, so you said you were going to keep it open! But you lied! You weren’t even going to wait until the end of the season!”

“And you were the one who caused all the trouble around here!” Joey added bitterly. “Why? We trusted you!”

“I think I know one reason why,” Jessie said to Dan. “You had to sneak around the theater to put that banner in place! You brought it over in your car on Thursday night. Then on Friday you broke Duke’s sign so you could climb up the back of the screen!”

“And the ladder made your hands dirty,” said Benny “That’s why you didn’t take any of my popcorn on Friday night! “

Dan Brinker had lowered his head. “Yes,” he said, “You figured it out. I did some of the pranks to create a distraction. And so Flick Fletcher would sell me the place faster.”

“You were also trying to make Uncle Flick and Mr. Duke mad at each other, weren’t you?” Violet asked.

Dan hung his head even lower. “Yes. That, too. I’m sorry.”

Uncle Flick folded his arms. “Dan, you’ll have to pay for the damages to the snack bar kitchen. You’ve done things that are against the law, so I’m going to have to call the police. And, just to be clear, the deal is off!”

“I know,” said Dan. “What I did was wrong. All along I knew, deep down, that it was wrong. I should have stopped when I saw the ghost the other night.”

“What do you mean?” Jessie asked.

“I know the ghost wasn’t real,” Dan said. “But I’ll tell you, I was so scared when I saw it! I thought it was some kind of message, telling me I had to stop cheating people, that I had to slow down.” He looked thoughtful. “I wish I had.”

“Maybe you will now,” said Henry. The others nodded in agreement.

Dan Brinker wiped the sweat from his forehead and stood up straight. He walked over to the giant banner. He yanked on one of the corners until the banner came loose and crumpled to the ground. Then he turned and walked back across the road to his store, with his head down.

“I’m glad you’re not selling the drive-in after all, Flick,” said Mr. Duke the next evening. He and Uncle Flick were sitting in lawn chairs in front of the Diamond Drive-in screen. The mini-van was parked nearby. The children and Grandfather had decided to stay one more night to see the new movies, Space Dogs and The Rainforest Giant. Now they were all having a picnic before the movie started. Mr. Duke had bought over food from his stand.

“I’ll bet you’re glad, Duke,” said Uncle Flick. “Especially since I’ve decided to let my customers bring in your hot dogs.”

“They’re really good hot dogs,” said Jessie as she sat down in a nearby lawn chair. The other Aldens joined her, and soon they were all enjoying the food together.

“I love the onion rings!” said Benny as he picked up a big one and took a bite.

“And don’t forget the popcorn from the snack bar,” said Violet. “That’s good, too.”

“Yes, indeed,” said Uncle Flick. “We’ve gotten a new popcorn machine, but we’re also going to keep a big shaker of Jessie’s popcorn topping on the counter. That is, if you’ll give me the recipe.”

“Of course!” said Jessie, who smiled proudly.

“I bet Joey and Amy will be happy to be part of the business,” Henry said to Uncle Flick.

“I’m making Joey a manager, and Amy will be in charge of special events,” Uncle Flick replied. “And now they’re planning all kinds of interesting things. In fact, they just borrowed the slide projector. I wonder what they’ll use it for.”

After a beautiful sunset in the distance behind the screen, it was almost time for the movie to begin. The Aldens took their seats in the minivan. Watch curled up on Jessie’s lap. Grandfather turned on the car stereo.

“Here we go,” said Henry, as the screen lit up. Then an announcement appeared on the screen:






“Hooray!” Benny shouted as the other children applauded.

“Can we come back next month and go to this, Grandfather?” Violet asked.

“Of course,” Grandfather said. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Look!” said Jessie. “There’s another announcement!” She pointed to the screen. Now it read:






Beep! Bee-beep! Beep! went all the cars in the theater lot. Beep-beep! Beep!

“Oh, my goodness!” Violet giggled.

“It sounds like a traffic jam,” Henry said, laughing.

“But even better!” said Benny. “Because we can beep back!” Then he reached over and pressed the horn on the minivan. Beep! Beep! Beep!
