2015年CRI 中国对美国在南海的举动表示担忧(在线收听


The Chinese Defense Ministry has released a new statement, saying China is greatly concerned about the United States' push to "militarize the South China Sea region."

Ministry Spokesman Yang Yujun was speaking at a monthly press briefing.

"For a long time, the U.S. has been sending ships and aircraft to the South China Sea to conduct reconnaissance missions close to China. And lately it has been reinforcing its regional military alliances and holding joint exercises frequently in order to expand its influence here."

Yang also noted that the recent aircraft "cruise" by U.S. Pacific Command chief Harry Harris over the South China Sea has stoked regional tensions and increased the risk of unexpected air and maritime accidents.

He says those moves by the U.S. are alarming.

" China is deeply concerned about the U.S. attempts to militarize the South China Sea… We are firmly against any attempts to hype up the 'Chinese military threat' in disregard of facts or to sow disaccord between China and its neighbors."

Yang also refuted US Pacom Commander Harris' accusations about China's land reclamation in the South China Sea.

"China has been conducting land reclamation activities in the South China Sea so that we can better fulfill our international responsibilities and obligations. The construction will also help maintain navigation security in the region and is strictly adherent to environmental standards and requirements."

Yang has accused the US of applying double standards when it comes to the South China Sea disputes, saying the US has failed to say a single word on activities by the Philippines and other countries to carry out large-scale construction projects and military deployments for years on islands stolen from China.
