打工姐妹花第二季 第43期:推销改怒怼(在线收听

   I don't know where you guys are in your bike training. 我不知道你们自行车练到什么程度了

  Are we doping or desserting? I can help you either way. 是要来点兴奋剂,还是上甜点呢?我都能帮你们搞到哦。
  We're thinking about dessert. 我们想吃甜点
  Cool, how about a Max's homemade cupcake? 很好,那来个麦克斯自制小蛋糕如何
  Eh, I don't think so. How's that cherry pie? Nice. 不要。樱桃派怎么样?还不错。
  The family of mice that lives in it just renewed their lease. 住在派里的那家老鼠,刚续租了
  So, a Max's homemade cupcake? 还是来个麦克斯自制小蛋糕吧?
  You keep saying "Max's homemade cupcakes" like it's a thing. I've never heard of it. 你干嘛一直提“麦克斯自制小蛋糕”,好像多出名一样。我从来没听说过这玩意。
  I haven't either. And we know a lot. 我也是,我们可是很懂行的呢。
  And yet you put that headband on this morning. 但你出门还是系了这个二逼头巾
  So who's Max? Yeah, who's Max? 那个麦克斯是谁啊?对啊,是谁啊?
  Who's Max? She's Lance Armstrong's left nut. What? Nothing. 谁是麦克斯啊?她是兰斯·阿姆斯特朗的左蛋蛋。看你妹啊?不看不看。
  Caroline. You know I'm not one to gossip, but just about 30 seconds ago, 卡洛琳。你知道我不喜欢说人八卦,但就在30秒之前,
  I saw Max drop some major attitude and blow a chance with a possible cupcake customer. 我亲眼看见麦克斯耍脾气,葬送了一个争取小蛋糕潜在客户的机会。
  That's your gossip? That Max has an attitude? 你的八卦就是这个吗?谁不知道麦克斯脾气大啊?
  What are you gonna tell me next, that Elton John is gay? 你接下来还要跟我八卦什么,艾尔顿·约翰是同性恋吗?
  Anyways, I'm just saying about Max, bitch needs to take it down a notch. 总而言之,我就说说而已,那贱人不该气焰这么嚣张。
  Bitch needs to mind his own business. 那你这个贱人,应该少管闲事。