2015年CRI Locals in UK Speak Highly of President Xi's Interview with Reuters(在线收听


During an interview with China Central Television, Reuters UK Bureau Chief Guy Faulconbridge said he was impressed by President Xi's answers.

"I thought the answers were actually very clear, and also very interesting. They weren't, as we would say in English, bureaucratic. They were quite clear and to the point. I thought it was very interesting the way he spoke of the relationship with the United Kingdom. I thought the words were very strong. In that sense it was very clear and to the point. I also thought it was very interesting the way in which he just describes the Chinese economy that he admitted there were problems, but the Chinese government and Chinese authorities were trying to deal with that, with the problems. And I thought that was very clear."

During the interview, President Xi, a football fan, talked excitedly about his impending trip to Manchester, where he'll go to tour Man City's football headquarters.

Faulconbridge said he likes the topics of China-UK relationship and football most among all the questions posed by the agency.

On the subject of economy, investment counselor James Stuart said he's been impressed with the responsibility shown by President Xi in promoting the growth of the Chinese economy.

"I think the image I have is an individual who is more than capable of developing and, to some extent, embracing China's position as the second and ultimately the largest economy in the world. This is a huge responsibility."

During the interview, President Xi said the slowdown of the Chinese economy is a concern, but steps are being taken to address the issue.

Stuart also added that he expected Renminbi trading to continually grow in line with export and import growth between China and UK.

Discussing issues of education, Raff Flackett, the UK regional director of BE Education, specializing in helping Chinese students gain entry to reputable universities in the UK, praised Xi's character and vision for the issue.

"He is a clearly a man who has got a very strong sense of purpose. He clearly does have a little bit of humor in there. I think that the fact he is willing to consider football and things like that as an essential part of life and education makes him a very good man, in my opinion. We see that as a crucial part of developing the student because in sports you learn how to pick yourself up when you get knocked down. It teaches you leadership, it teaches you team spirit and teamwork and things like that. So I think it is fantastic to see that's being encouraged in Chinese schools as well."

For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
