2015年CRI Chinese President Holds Talks with British PM(在线收听


During the press conference, President Xi says the two countries will enter a golden era of increased cooperation, jointly creating a prosperous future for bilateral relations.

"I had a productive meeting with Prime Minister Cameron, and we reached an important consensus on many issues and agreed to announce here that we will build a global comprehensive strategic partnership between our countries in the 21st century, and jointly open up a golden era of an enduring, inclusive and mutually beneficial China-UK relationship."

For his part, Cameron described the golden era as an era of stronger economic ties, deeper trade links, closer people-to-people relations and meaningful dialogue on issues that matter to both sides.

According to President Xi, several inter-governmental and business cooperation documents will be signed.

Among them will be one deal concerning the Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset in southwest England.

President Xi said the project, with the involvement of Chinese companies, will be of great significance for both sides.

"This will be the flagship project of cooperation between our countries in coming years and it will lead to more practical cooperation of this kind between the two sides."

For his part, Prime Minister Cameron announced that the Hinkley Point nuclear power station will not only provide energy to the locals but also create numerous job opportunities.

"I'm pleased to announce today that we're signing a historic deal to build the Hinkley nuclear power station, providing reliable, affordable energy to nearly six million homes, and creating more than 25,000 jobs."

Some Chinese experts have spoken highly of such deals related to nuclear power projects.

Chen Fengying, an expert with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said the deal will help more products made in China to go international.

"The signing of such a deal means we can cooperate with enterprises from developed countries, and also find markets there. It will bring more confidence in promoting China's 'go global' strategy, and markets in the future will not only be in Britain but also in many other places."

The Hinkley Point C project in southwestern England is estimated at 18 billion pounds. China General Nuclear (CGN) and Electricite de France (EDF) announced on Wednesday to jointly construct and operate the British nulear power plant.

China General Nuclear will take up 33.5 percent of the project. The two enterprises will also cooperate on other British nuclear projects, including one at Bradwell, southeastern England, based on Chinese nuclear technology "Hualong".

For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
