2015年CRI Dozens Still in Hospital after Ferry Collision in HK(在线收听


More than 50 people remain in hospital after a ferry crashed in Hong Kong on Sunday evening.

Authorities are investigating the accident.

Over 120 passengers are injured after a Hong Kong-bound high-speed ferry from Macau hit an unidentified object in Hong Kong on Sunday evening, before losing power and taking on water.

A rescue operation lasted five hours overnight to transfer all the injured to hospital, with injuries to their faces, arms and legs.

Many of them have left the hospital while five are still in a critical condition and eight others are listed as serious.

The ferry is being inspected. Damage to an engine room has already been noted, along with extensive water damage.

Authorities say the ferry was carrying 163 passengers and 11 crew members when it hit a "floating object in the sea" while traveling its usual route.

They are still trying to identify the object that was struck.

Hong Kong is one of the world's busiest shipping channels.

While serious accidents are rare, the waters have become increasingly crowded with leisure boats and vessels which take passengers to the nearby gambling hub of Macau.

On October 10th, a Turbojet ferry caught on fire in Hong Kong on its way back from Macau. All 144 on board were evacuated and no casualties were reported.
