万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-02-12&13, 美宇航员追击情敌被捕(在线收听

Thanks.It's a story that perplexed people from coast to coast. What would drive a NASA astronaut to snap confronting a woman she thought was her romantic rival? And NASA is now asking itself the same question this morning, wondering if it let Lisa Nowak slip through the cracks. NBC’s Don Teague’s at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston with the latest on this.
Don, good morning.

Good morning, Mac. It’s one of the most bizarre and embarrassing episodes in NASA’s history. Today the first astronaut ever charged with a felony is back in Houston as NASA tries to figure out what happened.
Her return to Houston was anything but the hero’s welcome astronauts so used to. Lisa Nowak hid her head under a jacket to avoid cameras as police and chief NASA astronaut Steve Lindsey escorted her out of the airport. Nowak is free on bond facing charges of attempted murder in a bizarre attack that / shaken those in NASA.

It's hard to tell the astronaut caught took this, I think folks are shocked and concerned.

At the Johnson Space Center, NASA officials announce they are now reviewing psychological screening procedures for astronauts in the wake of the Nowak case.

In light of the current situation, determine whether there were any areas of concern, any leading indicators we might have picked up on.
And liftoff.
NASA astronauts are considered the best of the best . They undergo rigorous physical and mental testing before ever-taking flight. But Nowak, mother of three children and recently separated from her husband, was hardly acting normal.
Prosecutors say she wore adult diaper on a 900-mile drive from Houston to Orlando where she allegedly pepper-sprayed Colleen Shipman, an air force officer she considered a rival for the affection of shuttle pilot William Oefelein.

Shipment filed for restraining order on Monday, claiming Nowak had been stalking her for 2 months. Back in Houston, Nowak and her family aren’t speaking publicly. Neighbors, too, are in shock.

I have sympathy for the stress she apparently was under.

But beyond simple stress, psychology professor Kiv Davis believes Nowak may have been / deeply insecure and susceptible to romantic illusions.

She’s a kind of person because of her attachment / insecurity would lash onto someone who may have done nothing, and then been perfectly prepared to eliminate any rival to this new relationship.

As for NASA rules concerning romantic relationships between astronauts, right now, there aren’t any.

We do not meddle into the private lives of astronauts.

But that, too, may soon change.

As you can imagine, this has all been a huge distraction for NASA, but the agency says it’s important not to lose focus on its mission, in fact, astronauts at the International Space Station have a spacewalk today, Mac.

Alright, Don, thanks very much.Don Teague in Houston.