万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-05-16&17, 哈马斯反以新招数: “米老鼠”代言人(在线收听

For half an hour on Friday afternoons, the character is familiar and comforting the context is anything but. From a studio in Gaza on a TV station run by the militants of HAMAS. This weekly children's program stars a Mickey Mouse look-alike with a young co-host, named Sara telling Palestinian children to drink their milk, pray five times a day and resist what they call the oppressive Zionist occupation.
The mouse preaches contempt for Israel and America. He adds we'll liberate Iraq and the Muslim countries invaded by murderers.
We're tomorrow's pioneers, says Sara, we don't surrender. And miming a tune sung by a caller on the phone, the mouse fires an imaginary gun.
Israel has called the program an outrage. An Israeli group that monitors Palestinian media says: It's also a tragedy.
The children through this lovable image are receiving poisonous messages and they don't even realize they are being poisoned.
Not just by TV, a colorful HAMAS website tells a fable about a girl who guides Israeli soldiers over a roadside bomb to their death, a martyr's fairy tale. Some say the problem isn't just what's put on TV or the Internet, it's real life.
A child in Gaza does not need a cartoon in order to hate the occupation, to hate Israel. He opens his eyes in the morning, can he sees reality around him.
Despite a rival faction's effort to censor the show, a HAMAS official insisted it's our right to tell our children what we want and no surprise we try to reach them with an image that's familiar.

Richard Roth, CBS news, London.