2017年CRI Complete Cycle of Beethoven's 9 symphonies continues to show in Beijing(在线收听


Classical music fans in Beijing are now embracing a massive work-the complete cycle of Beethoven's 9 symphonies with The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen.

Paavo Jarvi, an internationally famous Estonian conductor, is the artistic director of the orchestra.

"If we could bring a very fine choir from one of my neighboring countries, just to make it a little bit more varied, and perhaps, a little bit different angle than kind of normally expected traditional German choir. We also in the cast have a very fine Chinese musician and we also have an Estonian singer. Whenever possible, I try to promote our region as well, north of the Europe."

Eroica took on the first, second and third symphonies on Sunday; Destiny on Monday covered the fourth and the fifth.

The concert on Wednesday evening is Pastoral, and for number six and seven, and Choral which will take place Thursday evening concludes brilliantly with symphonies eight and nine.

The Beijing Music Festival's organizers have arranged this complete Beethoven cycle in order to commemorate the 190th anniversary of Beethoven's death. Their performance is also the city's first Beethoven symphonic cycle concerts over the past 30 years.
