英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable1123 - 圆桌教你学尬聊(在线收听

Topic1- Stopping violence against women

What are the typical cases of violence against women in China? Is there anything being done? Listen to our discussion on how to stop violence against women, with Ms Julia Broussard, Country Programme Manager for the UN Women China Office.
Topic2-Class of near death experience
A fake funeral was held in the stadium of Wanda middle school of Chengdu No. 7 middle school in Sichuan province. 54 middle school students were present to experience the feeling of “passing away” for 20 minutes accompany with the sad music. The school principal Liu Qiang says the event is part of a psychological course which seeks to educate students to respect life through a near death experience. 
This is an unconventional school activity, as death is considered taboo in Chinese culture.
Topic3-Five Scientifically Proven Ways To Improve Your Conversations
The key to being a better conversationalist is to be an attention-giver rather than an attention-getter. This means you begin to concentrate more on the person you’re speaking with, and on gratifying their needs instead of your own. Here are some tips to improve your conversation skills.           