向前一步:第11期 导言 内心的革命(11)(在线收听

 I am also acutely aware that the vast majority of women are struggling to make ends meet and take care of their families. 我很强烈地意识到大多数女性并没有试图获得领导地位,而是努力在为生计奔波,并兼顾家庭。

Parts of this book will be most relevant to women fortunate enough to have choices about how much and when and where to work; 书中的部分内容对某些女性很有参考性,她们受命运垂青,能够自主选择工作的强度、时间和地点;
other parts apply to situations that women face in every workplace, within every community, and in every home. 书中还有些内容则适用于女性在任何工作环境、社区和家庭里都会面临的情况。
If we can succeed in adding more female voices at the highest levels, we will expand opportunities and extend fairer treatment to all. 如果我们能够成功地让更多女性在最高层发出声音,那么我们将为所有的女性提供更多的机会,为她们争取更加公平的待遇。
Some, especially other women in business, have cautioned me about speaking out publicly on these issues. 许多人尤其是一些在商界工作的女性,都劝我在公共场合谈论这些话题时要谨慎。
When I have spoken out anyway, several of my comments have upset people of both genders. 当我最终还是坦率说出自己的观点时,一些人对此表示不满,其中有男人,也有女人。
I know some believe that by focusing on what women can change themselves—pressing them to lean in, 他们认为,我过于关注女性自身的改变、鼓励她们积极进取,
it seems like I am letting our institutions off the hook. 这会显得我好像在为目前的制度和社会风俗开脱责任。
Or even worse, they accuse me of blaming the victim. 更糟的是,这些人因为我“责备受害者”而对我大加谴责。
Some critics will also point out that it is much easier for me to lean in, since my financial resources allow me to afford any help I need. 批评我的人会说,我之所以更容易“向前一步”是因为我有资本获得任何我所需要的帮助,
I have heard these criticisms in the past and I know that I will hear them—and others—in the future. 我过去听到过这样的批评,将来还是会听到,而且还会有更多的批评。
My hope is that my message will be judged on its merits. 然而,我仍然希望人们能够实事求是地判断我所传达的讯息。
We can't avoid this conversation. This issue transcends all of us. 这些问题是具有普遍性的,而且我们社会应有的变化也迟迟没有实现。
The time is long overdue to encourage more women to dream the possible dream and encourage more men to support women in the workforce and in the home. 我们早该鼓励更多女性追求可触及的梦想,鼓励更多男性在工作中、在家庭里给女性以支持了。
We can reignite the revolution by internalizing the revolution. 引发革命的力量可以来自我们的内心深处。
The shift to a more equal world will happen person by person. 如果人人都去努力,世界就会往更平等的方向发展。
We move closer to the larger goal of true equality with each woman who leans in. 如果每位女性都能够向前一步,我们就离“真正的平等”这个宏大的目标又近了一步。