冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第67期:第五章 琼恩 (4)(在线收听

 Jon found it hard to look away from him. This is what a king should look like, he thought to himself as the man passed. 琼恩发觉自己几乎无法将视线自他身上抽离。这才是王者应有的风范,詹姆走过面前时,他如此暗想。

Then he saw the other one, waddling along half-hidden by his brother’s side.  接着他望向詹姆的兄弟,他正摇摇摆摆、半躲藏地走在哥哥身边。
Tyrion Lannister, the youngest of Lord Tywin’s brood and by far the ugliest.  提利昂·兰尼斯特是泰温公爵年纪最小,也最丑陋的孩子。
All that the gods had given to Cersei and Jaime, they had denied Tyrion.  诸神赐予瑟曦和詹姆的一切优点,一样都没留给提利昂。
He was a dwarf, half his brother’s height, struggling to keep pace on stunted legs.  他是个身高只有哥哥一半的侏儒,鼓动着畸形的双腿努力想跟上哥哥的脚步。
His head was too large for his body, with a brute’s squashed-in face beneath a swollen shelf of brow.  他的头大得不合比例,鼓胀额头下是一张扭曲的怪脸。
One green eye and one black one peered out from under a lank fall of hair so blond it seemed white. Jon watched him with fascination. 双眼一碧一黑,从满头长直金发下面向外窥视,他头发的颜色几乎金亮成白。琼恩饶富兴味地看着他打面前经过。
The last of the high lords to enter were his uncle, Benjen Stark of the Night’s Watch, and his father’s ward, young Theon Greyjoy.  达官贵胄中最后进来的是他叔叔,守夜人部队的班扬·史塔克,以及父亲年轻的养子席恩·葛雷乔伊。
Benjen gave Jon a warm smile as he went by. Theon ignored him utterly, but there was nothing new in that.  班扬经过时对他露出温和的微笑,席恩则对他完全视若无睹,不过这也不是一两天的事情了。
After all had been seated, toasts were made, thanks were given and returned, and then the feasting began. 等贵宾全部就座之后,大家彼此举杯祝福,互致贺词,然后晚宴便正式开始。
Jon had started drinking then, and he had not stopped. 琼恩从那时起就在喝酒,到现在还没停下。
Something rubbed against his leg beneath the table. Jon saw red eyes staring up at him.  长桌下有东西摩擦他的脚,低头只见一对红眼睛盯着他望。
“Hungry again?” he asked. There was still half a honeyed chicken in the center of the table. "肚子又饿了?"他问。餐桌中间还有半只蜜汁烤鸡,