向前一步:第22期 职业女性的内在障碍(11)(在线收听

 Still, in today's world, where we no longer have to hunt in the wild for our food, 然而,在今天的世界中,人类不再像古代那样必须在野外觅食打猎,

our desire for leadership is largely a culturally created and reinforced trait. 我们对领导意志的渴望在很大程度上是一种被文化催生和强化的特质。
How individuals view what they can and should accomplish is in large part formed by our societal expectations. 个人怎样决定自己能做什么、应该达到怎样的目标,在很大程度上是由我们的社会期望塑造出来的。
From the moment we are born, boys and girls are treated differently. 从一出生,男孩和女孩受到的待遇就不一样。
Parents tend to talk to girl babies more than boy babies. 父母更倾向于和女婴而非男婴说话。
Mothers overestimate the crawling ability of their sons and underestimate the crawling ability of their daughters. 母亲在高估小男孩爬行能力的同时,又会低估小女孩的爬行能力。
Reflecting the belief that girls need to be helped more than boys, 因为她们相信女孩比男孩更需要帮助。
mothers often spend more time comforting and hugging infant girls and more time watching infant boys play by themselves. 母亲常常会花更多时间去安抚和拥抱女婴,而花更多时间看着男婴自己玩耍,
Other cultural messages are more blatant. 其他的文化讯息则更明显。
Gymboree once sold onesies proclaiming "Smart like Daddy" for boys and "Pretty like Mommy" for girls. 金宝贝公司(设计的婴儿连体服上,男孩版的图案文字是“像爸爸一样聪明”,女孩版的图案文字是“和妈妈一样漂亮”。
The same year, J. C. Penney marketed a T-shirt to teenage girls that bragged, 同一年,彭尼公司推出的一款少女T恤衫,上面印着一串看上去得意扬扬的文字:
"I'm too pretty to do homework so my brother has to do it for me." “我漂亮到不用写作业,所以我的兄弟必须帮我写。”
These things did not happen in 1951. They happened in 2011. 这一切并非发生在1951年,而是发生在2011年。
Even worse, the messages sent to girls can move beyond encouraging superficial traits and veer into explicitly discouraging leadership.  更糟糕的是,传递给女孩们的讯息不仅意味着整个社会都在鼓励这些肤浅的行为,而且还转而明显地阻碍对女孩领导力的培养。