冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第128期:第十章 琼恩(5)(在线收听

  Uncle Benjen is looking for you, he told Jon. He wanted to be gone an hour ago. "班扬叔叔在找你,"他对琼恩说,"他本来一小时前就打算动身了。"
  I know, Jon said. Soon. He looked around at all the noise and confusion. Leaving is harder than I thought. "我知道,"琼恩答道,"我马上就去。"他环顾身边周遭的人马杂沓,众声喧哗。"没想到离别这么难。"
  For me too, Robb said. He had snow in his hair, melting from the heat of his body. Did you see him? "可不是么。"罗柏说。沾落他发际的雪花,正因体温而逐渐融化。"见过他了吗?"
  Jon nodded, not trusting himself to speak. 琼恩点点头,不敢开口,不知道自己会说出什么话。
  He’s not going to die, Robb said. I know it. "他不会死。"罗柏道,"我知道他不会死。"
  You Starks are hard to kill, Jon agreed. His voice was flat and tired. The visit had taken all the strength from him. "你们史塔克的命的确很硬。"琼恩同意。他的声音有气无力,刚才的事情已经抽干了他每一分力气。
  Robb knew something was wrong. My mother? 罗柏立刻察觉事有蹊跷。"我母亲她……"
  She was very kind, Jon told him. "她……待我很亲切。"琼恩告诉他。
  Robb looked relieved. Good. He smiled. The next time I see you, you’ll be all in black. 罗柏松了一口气。"那就好,"他咧嘴笑道,"下次我们碰面,你就全身黑衣黑甲了。"
  Jon forced himself to smile back. It was always my color. How long do you think it will be? 琼恩挤出一丝笑容:"黑色本来就很配我。依你看,咱们要多久才能再见面呢?"
  Soon enough, Robb promised. He pulled Jon to him and embraced him fiercely. Farewell, Snow. "不会太久。"罗柏保证。他把琼恩拉过来,用力紧紧地抱住他。"雪诺,多保重。"
  Jon hugged him back. And you, Stark. Take care of Bran. 琼恩也激动地紧搂着对方:"史塔克,你也一样,好好照顾布兰。"
  I will. They broke apart and looked at each other awkwardly. Uncle Benjen said to send you to the stables if I saw you, Robb finally said. "我会的。"两人松开对方,有些尴尬地对看一眼。"班扬叔叔说若我看到你,叫你到马厩去找他。"最后罗柏开口道。
  I have one more farewell to make, Jon told him. "我还得跟一个人说再见。"琼恩告诉他。