冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第196期:第十五章 珊莎(13)(在线收听

   Sansa did not understand. She looked at her prince. Did I say something wrong, Your Grace? Why will he not speak to me? 珊莎不懂这是怎么回事,于是转头向她的王子求助:王子殿下,我做错了什么?为何他不愿跟我说话?

  Ser Ilyn has not been feeling talkative these past fourteen years, Lord Renly commented with a sly smile. 咱们伊林爵士这十六年来似乎都不爱讲话哦。蓝礼公爵挂着一抹促狭的笑容解释。
  Joffrey gave his uncle a look of pure loathing, then took Sansa's hands in his own. Aerys Targaryen had his tongue ripped out with hot pincers. 乔佛里非常嫌恶地看了他叔叔一眼,执起珊莎的纤纤玉手。
  He speaks most eloquently with his sword, however, the queen said, and his devotion to our realm is unquestioned.  伊里斯·坦格利安叫人用烧红的钳子把他舌头给拔了。如今他改用剑说话,王后道,爵士先生精忠报国,其操守无庸置疑。
  Then she smiled graciously and said, Sansa, the good councillors and I must speak together until the king returns with your father.  然后她满脸堆欢,珊莎,今日我要和这几位爵爷商谈国事,顺便等国王和你父亲回来。
  I fear we shall have to postpone your day with Myrcella. Please give your sweet sister my apologies. Joffrey, perhaps you would be so kind as to entertain our guest today. 恐怕你和弥赛菈的约定要延期了,请代我向你的好妹妹致上歉意。乔佛里,或许你今天愿意陪陪我们这位贵客?母亲大人,
  It would be my pleasure, Mother, Joffrey said very formally.  那是我的荣幸。乔佛里郑重其事地说,
  He took her by the arm and led her away from the wheelhouse, and Sansa's spirits took flight.  他挽起她的手,领她离开轮宫,珊莎顿时觉得幸福得飞上了天。
  A whole day with her prince! She gazed at Joffrey worshipfully. He was so gallant, she thought.  和她的白马王子相处一整天!她崇拜地望着乔佛里,
  The way he had rescued her from Ser Ilyn and the Hound, why,  想起他方才把她自伊林爵士和猎狗手中拯救出来的样子,要多勇敢有多勇敢,
  it was almost like the songs, like the time Serwyn of the Mirror Shield saved the Princess Daeryssa from the giants,  简直就像诗歌里写的一样,就像镜盾萨文击败巨人救出戴丽莎公主;
  or Prince Aemon the Dragonknight championing Queen Naerys's honor against evil Ser Morgil's slanders. 或是龙骑士伊蒙王子为了破除谣言,保护奈丽诗王后名节,与邪恶的莫格尔爵士决战的故事。
  The touch of Joffrey's hand on her sleeve made her heart beat faster. What would you like to do? 乔佛里隔着衣袖的碰触更让她心跳加速。你想做点什么呢?