冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第217期:第十七章 布兰(6)(在线收听

   Bran looked down. There was nothing below him now but snow and cold and death, a frozen wasteland where jagged blue-white spires of ice waited to embrace him. 布兰再度下望,如今下方空无一物,惟有冰雪、寒冷和死亡,在一片冰冻的荒原上,插满了锯齿状的蓝白冰针,正等着拥抱他。

  They flew up at him like spears. He saw the bones of a thousand other dreamers impaled upon their points. He was desperately afraid. 它们如飞矛般朝他射来,他看到上面挂满成千个做梦人的枯骨,一阵绝望的恐惧笼罩了他。
  Can a man still be brave if he's afraid? he heard his own voice saying, small and far away. 人在恐惧的时候还能勇敢吗?他听见自己细小邈远的声音这么说。
  And his father's voice replied to him. That is the only time a man can be brave. 随后父亲的声音回答道:人惟有恐惧的时候方能勇敢。
  Now, Bran, the crow urged. Choose. Fly or die. 就是现在,布兰,乌鸦催促,你得做出抉择,若是不飞,就只有摔死一途。
  Death reached for him, screaming. 死亡厉声尖叫着朝他伸出魔爪。
  Bran spread his arms and flew. 布兰伸展手臂,飞了。
  Wings unseen drank the wind and filled and pulled him upward. 看不见的翅膀饱饮长风,充满空气,将他带往高处。
  The terrible needles of ice receded below him. The sky opened up above. 下方可怕的冰针逐渐消退,天顶苍穹豁然开朗。
  Bran soared. It was better than climbing. It was better than anything. The world grew small beneath him. 布兰展翅翱翔,这感觉比爬墙还棒,比任何事都棒。他下面的世界越来越小。
  I'm flying! he cried out in delight. 我会飞了!他开心地叫道。
  I've noticed, said the three-eyed crow. It took to the air, flapping its wings in his face, slowing him, blinding him. 我知道,三眼乌鸦说。它振翅而飞,翅膀拍打着他的脸颊,减缓他的速度,遮蔽他的视线。
  He faltered in the air as its pinions beat against his cheeks. 他不由得在空中摇摆不定。
  Its beak stabbed at him fiercely, and Bran felt a sudden blinding pain in the middle of his forehead, between his eyes. 乌鸦的尖喙狠狠啄进他额头中央,两眼之间的地方,布兰突然觉得一阵尖锐的疼痛。
  What are you doing? he shrieked. 你干什么?他尖叫道。