冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第226期:第十八章 凯特琳(8)(在线收听

   The Tyroshi fingered his forked green beard. Just so. I know of several establishments that might suit your needs.  泰洛西船长捻捻绿色的八字胡,那敢情好,我倒是知道几个符合您要求的店家。

  Yet first, if I may be so bold, there is the matter of the second half of the payment we agreed upon. 不过首先嘛,恕我无礼,咱们约定的旅费还剩一半没付清呢。
  And of course the extra silver you were so kind as to promise. Sixty stags, I believe it was. 还有您慷慨答应的额外小费,如果我没记错的话,好像是六十枚银币。
  For the oarmen, Catelyn reminded him. 那是给船员的。凯特琳提醒他。
  Oh, of a certainty, said Moreo. Though perhaps I should hold it for them until we return to Tyrosh. For the sake of their wives and children.  噢,那当然,莫里欧道,不过还是我先帮他们保管,等咱们回到泰洛西再分配好了。这可是为他们妻小着想啊,
  If you give them the silver here, my lady, they will dice it away or spend it all for a night's pleasure. 想想看,若是现在就给他们,夫人,他们肯定会赌个精光或拿去买一夜之欢呀。
  There are worse things to spend money on, Ser Rodrik put in. Winter is coming. 花花钱也无可厚非,罗德利克爵士插话,因为凛冬将至。
  A man must make his own choices, Catelyn said. They earned the silver. How they spend it is no concern of mine. 人应该为自己的行为负责。凯特琳说,这是他们辛苦挣来的血汗钱,怎么花我无足置喙。
  As you say, my lady, Moreo replied, bowing and smiling. 那就照您吩咐,夫人。莫里欧一边打躬作揖一边笑着回答。
  Just to be sure, Catelyn paid the oarmen herself, a stag to each man,  那就照您吩咐,夫人。莫里欧一边打躬作揖一边笑着回答。
  and a copper to the two men who carried their chests halfway up Visenya's hill to the inn that Moreo had suggested. It was a rambling old place on Eel Alley.  至于帮她搬行李的两位海员,则额外多加了两个铜币。他们把东西搬到莫里欧推荐的旅馆,位于维桑尼亚丘陵半腰,据说是鳗鱼巷里的老字号。
  The woman who owned it was a sour crone with a wandering eye who looked them over suspiciously and bit the coin that Catelyn offered her to make sure it was real.  老板娘是个坏脾气的老妇,先是满腹狐疑地上下打量他们俩,又把凯特琳付的钱币用牙齿咬了又咬,大概在审是不是真的。
  Her rooms were large and airy, though, and Moreo swore that her fish stew was the most savory in all the Seven Kingdoms. Best of all, she had no interest in their names. 虽然如此,房间倒是挺宽敞,通风也好,而且莫里欧说她煮的鱼汤七国上下无人能及。最棒的是,她完全不过问客人的名姓。