冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第282期:第十八章 赫德(28)(在线收听

   In your dreams, Tyrion echoed, thinking how badly he needed another strong drink. 您梦见过。提利昂重复,一边觉得自己需要再喝些烈酒。

  Mormont was deaf to the edge in his voice. The fisherfolk near Eastwatch have glimpsed white walkers on the shore. 莫尔蒙没听出他话中带刺。东海岸的渔夫见过在岸边走动的白鬼。
  This time Tyrion could not hold his tongue. The fisherfolk of Lannisport often glimpse merlings. 这次提利昂忍不住了。兰尼斯港的渔夫还经常看到美人鱼呢。
  Denys Mallister writes that the mountain people are moving south, slipping past the Shadow Tower in numbers greater than ever before.  丹尼斯·梅利斯特写信来说山区蛮族正在南迁,成群结队地溜过影子塔,以前从没有过如此规模的迁徙。
  They are running, my lord...but running from what? Lord Mormont moved to the window and stared out into the night.  大人,他们是在逃跑啊…但是在逃避些什么呢?莫尔蒙司令走到窗边,向外望进夜色。
  These are old bones, Lannister, but they have never felt a chill like this. Tell the king what I say, I pray you.  兰尼斯特少爷,我这身老骨头还没有过如此寒彻心肺的感觉。我请求您,把我所说的话一字不漏地转告国王陛下。
  Winter is coming, and when the Long Night falls, only the Night's Watch will stand between the realm and the darkness that sweeps from the north.  凛冬将至,当长夜降临,守夜人是惟一能保卫王国,抵挡黑暗势力自北方横扫的屏障。
  The gods help us all if we are not ready. 倘若我们没有万全准备,天知道下场会多凄惨。
  The gods help me if I do not get some sleep tonight.  倘若我今晚不睡觉,天知道下场会多凄惨。
  Yoren is determined to ride at first light. Tyrion got to his feet, sleepy from wine and tired of doom. I thank you for all the courtesies you have done me, Lord Mormont. 尤伦打定主意明早天一亮就动身。提利昂起立,他已经喝得酩酊大醉,也听够了关于世界末日的预言。莫尔蒙大人,感谢您的盛情款待。
  Tell them, Tyrion. Tell them and make them believe. That is all the thanks I need.  告诉他们,提利昂,一定要告诉他们,想办法让他们相信。
  He whistled, and his raven flew to him and perched on his shoulder. Mormont smiled and gave the bird some corn from his pocket, and that was how Tyrion left him. 那就是你最好的感谢。他吹声口哨,乌鸦便朝他飞去,停在他肩膀上。提利昂离开之时,莫尔蒙正微笑着从口袋里掏出谷粒喂它。