乔布斯传 第386期:阿梅里奥出局(7)(在线收听

   At times Jobs displayed a strange mixture of prickliness and neediness. 乔布斯时常会有一种奇怪的表现,一会儿浑身是刺,一会儿又渴望交流。

  He usually didn't care one iota what people thought of him; he could cut people off and never care to speak to them again. 对此,他常常完全不在乎别人会怎么想。他可以跟人绝交,再也不想跟他们讲话。
  Yet sometimes he also felt a compulsion to explain himself. 但是有时他也有冲动解释自己
  So that evening Amelio received, to his surprise, a phone call from Jobs. 所以那天晚上,阿梅里奥接到乔布斯的电话很惊讶。
  "Gee, Gil, I just wanted you to know, I talked to Ed today about this thing and I really feel bad about it," he said. “吉尔,我只是想让你知道,我今天跟埃德谈了这件事,我真的感觉很糟糕,”他说,
  "I want you to know that I had absolutely nothing to do with this turn of events, “我想让你知道我跟这些局势的变化完全没有关系,
  it was a decision the board made, but they had asked me for advice and counsel." 那是董事会作出的决定,但是他们问了我的意见。”
  He told Amelio he respected him for having "the highest integrity of anyone I've ever met," 他告诉阿梅里奥他尊重他是“我所见过的最正直的人”,
  and went on to give some unsolicited advice. 然后又主动给出了一些建议。
  "Take six months off," Jobs told him. "When I got thrown out of Apple, I immediately went back to work, and I regretted it." “休6个月的假,”乔布斯告诉他,“当年我被踢出苹果时,立即开始了新的工作,后来很后悔。”
  He offered to be a sounding board if Amelio ever wanted more advice. 他说任何时候阿梅里奥如果需要建议,都可以来找他。
  Amelio was stunned but managed to mumble a few words of thanks. 阿梅里奥非常惊讶,稀里糊涂地表达了感谢,挂掉了电话。
  He turned to his wife and recounted what Jobs said. 阿梅里奥跟妻子转述了乔布斯的话。
  "In ways, I still like the man, but I don't believe him," he told her. “很大程度上,我还是喜欢这个人,但是我不信任他。”他告诉她。
  "I was totally taken in by Steve," she said, "and I really feel like an idiot." “我以前完全被史蒂夫给骗了,”她说,“我真觉得自己像个傻瓜。”
  "Join the crowd," her husband replied. “不光你一个人这么想。”他说。